Jeptha Abbott Chapter, NSDAR
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
Ardmore, Pennsylvania
Some of our chapter programs have included...
There It Is book reading and discussion of the Vietnam War
Speaker: James Talone, Vietnam veteran
Cleaning up Old Eagle School, 175 Old Eagle School Road, Strafford, PA
Cleaning the school and planting mums on the property.
Making Quilts for Vietnam Vet
- ​​Choosing fabric, cutting, sewing.
- Finding Your Passion in DAR - A Look at DAR Committees
- ​Speaker: Susan Gillette Meer; Organizing Secretary, PSSDAR
​Use of DNA in Genealogy
Speaker: Christie Caywood, NSDAR DNA Chair
Holiday Customs of Early America​
Speaker: Samantha Freise, Regent, Towamencin Chapter, NSDAR ​
Madonna of the Trail
Speaker: Becky Braun, PA State Chair, Madonna of the Trail
Gram's Gift book reading and discussion of African Americans in the Revolution
Speaker: Joyce Mosley, Author
Abigail Adams book reading and discussion of
Speaker: Cynthia Sweeney, NSDAR Librarian General​
Some of our annual chapter meeting events include...
Patriots Ball
Spring Fashion Show, Shopping and Tombola
June Luncheon​
We invite you as a prospective member to join our meetings and events.
Please contact our webmaster on the link below to obtain the dates, times, and locations of our meetings.
Our chapter meetings include a call to order, invocation,
patriotic exercises, and chapter meeting.
Most chapter meetings are followed by an invited speaker and by tea!